Many people wonder about how can a company can offer to create an online store for free with free hosting services without charging anything. Where other website developing companies charge a good amount of money for their services, we at 2xE.com provide the same services free of cost. From hosting services to collaboration with payment gateways, all the features required for a dynamic and functioning website are provided for free by our site 2xE.com.
But why does 2xE.com is doing this service and not charging any amount? Does 2xE.com charge any hidden fees in the future? Is 2xE.com is going to charge for hosting integration? Are we really providing free online shops? Will there be any requirement of identification document or annual maintenance charge? Or is there any additional charge for the software?
Such questions and many more are constantly in the mind of anyone who comes across 2xE.com for the first time. The reason behind these questions is one can find it difficult to accept the fact that one company is willing to provide all the essential services for free is quite surprising.
The reality is when one collaborates with our site 2xE.com; they just need to acquire a domain name for their online store. The rest of the functions of the online store are provided for free. There are no hidden or additional charges towards the end of the service given. Neither does 2xE.com post any kind of advertisement or paid promotions on the online store. The website created via 2xE.com solely belongs to the owner without any kind of interruption from the makers. The users are free to choose their design and templates for their online store. There is no condition by the makers to put up any advertisements or promotional messages about 2xE.com or any other website. The store solely belongs to the owner who is free to operate it as per his/her likes.
The reason why 2xE.com is providing everything for free is because we feel that technology should be made easy and available for everybody. The age that we live in a digital world therefore everybody should also live according to it. The makers of 2xE.com are following the mindset of the tag of #madeitindia . All businesses, regardless of their size and strength should be given a functional site to showcase and sell their products online. There is no personal gain by 2xE.com.