2xE.com is a brilliant initiative by some students of IIT-BHU to help upcoming and already existing traders to set up their online selling portals. This site helps to create a trader’s own online store which is compatible with other mediums also such as mobile phones or any other gadget for majorly any tangible or intangible, downloadable product or service. By cutting down intermediaries between the buyers and the sellers, one can create a customized online store for themselves where they decide the rates, discounts, coupons on products along with the modes of payment. One can easily setup their online store in three simple steps; the only requirement is that of a domain name. Even if somebody is new, this site also helps them to register domain names which particularly become their brand name. The store which is then created is under the user control, has multiple options of customization and other features such as search engine options, discount coupon system, product review and ratings, reward points system. The online store created not only caters to the needs of the seller but that of the buyer also by providing them with multiple options making it more attractive and creating a transparent path for both the parties.
With the changing times and the fast moving lives, online shopping is not only seen as a trend anymore rather a necessity of the times. From a needle to a house, from car wash service to online tutoring, all kinds of products are available online. But only few Indian sites come online to make their product/service available. With international sites dominating the Indian markets, the Indian traders are lacking behind in not only selling their products but also their availability online. To promote the e-commerce trade and Indian traders 2XE.com provides with free of charge service of setting up online shopping portals for them. These portals come pre-installed with IOSC (Indian Optimized Shopping Cart) which is tried, tested and secured. This software has all the features of a world class shopping cart and to make more Indian user friendly additional features for Indian based sellers have also been added. The services offered by this site are therefore free of charge, although to further improve one can also have access to premium hosting, premium themes and technical support through payment mode. The only requirement to establish one owns personal online selling portal, is a domain name. One can either use a preexisting name or can also register a new one with 2xE.com.
The online portal created can be used for selling the product/services worldwide. The ownership is user oriented with no interruption of the outside party. By clicking on the “documentation” tab, one can understand the step by step procedure from how to register a domain name to receiving user details of their portal. With features such as no-space limit, no-customer limit, no-time limit, no-product limit; one is available with a fully customizable portal with the choices of their own payment gateways and shipping options free of charge. Where other sites cost a hole in the pocket of small traders, on the other hand this site open doors for not only small sellers but also new comers where they can create a huge range of their products. Also Indian as well as worldwide buyers too become aware of the Indian products available and buy them directly from the owners.